Where Are the Customers’ Yachts?

Eighty-Five Years Later and They Still Don’t Exist By David Langlieb Finance is a peculiar business, and we at the Philadelphia Accelerator Fund do not pretend to understand more than we do. Like most, we were surprised and unnerved by the recent Silicon Valley Bank...

The Limits of Credit Reporting

Written by David Langlieb Like most lenders, the Philadelphia Accelerator Fund typically requires that our borrowers personally guarantee our loans. While we don’t look forward to enforcing these personal guarantees and certainly don’t like taking borrowers to court,...

How Developers Can Support Communities

Developers have access to power that can have an immense effect on the neighborhoods. All too often their impact is negative, displacing residents, closing community stalwarts, or causing rapid gentrification. It does not have to be this way! Here are a few...